Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Oggi in la classe d'italiano

Oggi, noi abbiamo imparato i verbi potere, volere, e dovere. Signor Crane ha voluto facciamo una frase con i verbi. Ho parlato con la mia amica, Beth, chi e sposata. Ho detto, "Voglio limonare ogni giorni." Poi, Beth ha detto, "Posso limonare ogni giorni, con mio marito!" Sigor Crane ha detto, "Che cosa?!" E stato molto buffo.

(Scrivuto di solo. Sono brava, non?)

I mostly wanted to see if I describe what happened in class today without any help, and I think I did it. But today in class, we learned the verbs potere (can, to be able), volere (to wish, to want), and dovere (must, to have to). Signor Crane had us come up with sentences using these three verbs. My friend Beth, who's married, and I are usually partners. Also, on Valentine's day, we learned one of my new favorite verbs- Limonare. (I have three favorite verbs in Italian- ballare [to dance] spaccare [to split or break] and limonare [to makeout ;) ] - one of which I try to utilize every time I speak Italian ) So I said to Beth, "Voglio limonare ogni giorni." Which means, "I want to makeout every day." We laughed because our teacher was standing nearby, and then Beth says, "Io posso limonare ogni giorni, con mio marito!" Which means, "I can makeout every day, with my husband!" The way she said it was kind of a in-your-face sort, and it was really funny. Somehow saying it in Italian made it hilarious.


Dnnr said...

Allora? Limona. Basta. Non c'e' niente piu da fare. Non e' difficile. Metti le tue labbra e lingua nella bocca di un uomo. Non c'e' di che. Allora, fallo.

In bocca a lupo . . . o . . . in bocca a uomo! :)

Elise said...

After wasting a great deal of time trying to translate the above on WordReference.com, I think what your friend DB is saying is: "You can make out with me any time." Right, DB?

You should see the most common translation for (ahem) fallo. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

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