Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Something New Every Day

Yesterday, I was standing in line to get my prescription for my sinus infection. (Gross, yes. Annoying, also yes. Healed by modern medicine- yes. thankfully) Anyway, while I was standing there, I noticed the nicotine/smoking aid display. Here is my fun fact- nicotine comes in lozenge form! I personally love cough drops, so I think if I were a smoker that wanted to quit, this would be like Christmas for me. Fortunately, I'm not a smoker and thus don't need to quit, but I still think it's kind of amazing that nicotine cough drops are available.

< these ones are mint flavored.

Today's something new came from looking up directions to the Health Department (I need immunizations for my mission- in two weeks!!) on Google Maps. (sidenote- if Google wanted/needed missionaries to spread the good word of Google, I would sign up in a heartbeat. I may not be the most knowledgeable of all its facets, but, even if I don't know about them, I know they're amazing. And I know that Chrome is true.) Anyway, I'm looking up directions, and notice that you have a couple options when it comes to finding your way. Aside from the different routes, Google Maps also has a walking option. That's right, if you need to walk somewhere and don't know how to get there, Google will help you. So, out of curiosity, I clicked the walking option, and laughed out loud. First of all, they warn you about the lack of sidewalks and the danger therein. Secondly, the approximate time it will take you is also listed. Time by driving to the Health Department- roughly 16 minutes. Time for walking- about 2 hours and 18 minutes.

Also available:Walking

Google. Is. Awesome.


Courtney said...

that is awesome. You're posts always crack me up! I can't believe you are leaving so soon! let me know if you are speaking at a farwell of some sort and travis and i will come to IF for it!! we'd love to see you one last time before you go out and serve the lord!

Emily Juliet Ainian said...

I just did a google map search! I totally got the same caution to beware of missing sidewalks!! hahahahah... you always find the coolest and quirkiest things!

Love you! The time is FAST approaching!

Mele Kalikimaka

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